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# 237 Stroke Recovery Toolbox: Evidence Based Clinical Strategies and Assessments LIVE WEB CONFERENCE

Motivations, Inc.

Format(s):   Live Webinar
Discipline(s):   Physical Therapy / Occupational Therapy
Contact Hours:   7
Registration Fee:   $125.00

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
1. Describe and demonstrate use of 2 online stroke engines for finding the best and most recent evidence
2. Describe the fundamentals of plasticity and at least 2 prerequisites for it to occur in healthy individuals and stroke survivors
3. Describe the Brunnstrum stages of stroke
4. Demonstrate administration of the lower and upper extremity Fugl-Meyer Assessment
5. Demonstrate use of and describe 3, stroke-specific outcome measures and identify with whom each would be optimal
6. Describe spasticity and its at least 2 ways in which it is related to neuroplasticity
7. Administer the Modified Ashworth Spasticity Scale
8. Describe and differentiate at least 3 common treatments for spasticity
9. Discuss and differentiate at least 3 treatment strategies for the use of electrical stimulation of the lower or upper extremities on an individual who experienced a stroke
10. Describe at least 2 components of the administration of modified constraint-induced movement therapy

Target Audience

Confirmation Notes
FORMAT: This is an 7-hour course equivalent to 0.7 CEUs. Motivations Inc is an approved provider by The Texas Chapter of the APTA. We meet the PT licensing Board guidelines in most states. See our website chart for details.

AOTA: Motivations, Inc. is an approved provider of continuing education by the American Occupational Therapy Association #4002, for 7 contact hours - Intermediate Level Occupational Therapy Process: evaluation, intervention. The assignment of AOTA CEU's does not imply endorsement of course content, products or clinical procedures by AOTA

AGENDA: 8:00-9:00 am Becoming evidence-based: Easy, free, effective strategies 9:00-10:00 am Neuroplasticity and Motor learning: what is your brass ring? 10:00-10:15 am BREAK 10:15-11:15 am Outcome Measurement with Video Labs: How Do You Know What You Know? 11:15 - 12:15 pm Moving through stimulating: Electrical stimulation and brain stimulation 12:15-1:15 pm LUNCH (on your own) 1:15-2:15 pm Get a Grip! Upper and Lower Extremity Spasticity with assessment lab 2:15-2:30 pm BREAK 2:30-3:30 PM Yoga: An Evidence Based Tool for Balance, Self Efficacy, and Quality of Life 3:30-4:30 pm Constraint-induced therapy theory for UE & LE; Modified constraint-induced therapy - video lab

One of the longest-running and most-requested stroke courses in the field! Participants will develop a toolbox of evaluation tools and treatment strategies for people effected by a stroke, from the days following onset to the "return to community" setting. Learn easy, free ways to find the best evidence to support your treatments, 4 stroke-specific, validated evaluation tools to gauge patient progress and improve reimbursement, and effective treatment strategies. Frequently-seen impairments, and the theory and effectiveness of common treatments and technologies are discussed, including approaches to spasticity, shoulder pain, ambulation, and hemiparesis. Video cases and hands on “breakouts” complement didactic information. The course is hierarchically organized so that knowledge and treatments discussed build on previously-presented information. Expand your treatment and assessment toolbox with this stimulating course!

Dates and Locations