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#7133 Blood Flow Restriction …applications for musculoskeletal conditions

Motivations, Inc.

Format(s):   Live Webinar
Discipline(s):   Physical Therapy
Contact Hours:   3
Registration Fee:   $60.00

Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to:
1. Discuss current evidence underpinning the use of blood flow restriction (BFR) training in management of post-operative, geriatric, cardiac, orthopedic, and healthy populations.
2. Describe indications, precautions, and contraindications (relative and absolute) of BFR in the rehabilitation setting for musculoskeletal conditions.
3. Learn how to effectively determine populations who may benefit from BFR training as well as effectively treat these populations using the desired type of BFR equipment.
4. Learn the difference between the available BFR equipment to determine the most efficient and cost-effective option for an individual clinic or practitioner.
5. Understand the laws and regulations associated with BFR training and how these regulations play a role in utilization of these techniques in a clinical setting.

Target Audience
Physical Therapists, Assistants and Athletic Trainers

Confirmation Notes
This is a 3-hour course equivalent to 3 CEU’s or 0.3 CEUs offered as a live webinar. Instructors present this course content via an internet website displaying real time power points. Learners will receive a PDF of the course materials before the event. Instructors lecture through a phone conference call connection or your computer if you have audio capability on your computer. Questions may be asked during the webinar using the chat feature or the “raise hand” feature for live discussion.
PT CEU’s: Motivations Inc is an approved provider of Physical Therapy continuing education by these professional bodies: Texas Chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association, ILDPR- Illinois Department of Professional Regulation Approved PT CE Sponsor, NY- New York State Education Department, Office of the Professions. Physical Therapy Board of California. Many state boards recognize these for pre-approval purposes. Contact us if you would like verification a state.
ATC CEU’s: Motivations, Inc. is recognized by the BOC Board of Certification, Inc. to offer continuing education for Certified Athletic Trainers. #P2549

Pre Study: 30 Minutes Plan to read the course materials, references and review the post test before the start time. Also please be prepared to share patient case study related question during the discussion time.
20 Mins Introductions, history of BFR, benefits of BFR
45 Mins Research/literature review
30 Mins Case studies, practical application in clinical setting, video demonstration
15 Mins Mechanism/theory of how BFR works
10 Mins Review of various BFR bands
25 Mins Safety, contraindications, precautions, video demonstration of applications for safety
25 Mins Demonstration of BFR with sample protocols, video demonstration, patient specific application
10 Mins Future implications, FDA, conclusions
Post test: Research, identify, and submit your post test question answers on the online form. This is an open book test you can take multiple times if needed to obtain the 70% score (Allow 30 minutes for these completion tasks)

Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) training has been shown to result in hypertrophy, strength gains, and functional improvements while utilizing low-load high repetitions to encourage safety, minimize over-training, and minimize inflammation of affected areas. This occurs by allowing arterial flow to the desired muscle while restricting venous return, selectively manipulating the physiology of the muscle during the training session. This is extremely beneficial for patients who are in their peak training cycle, injured, or recovering from surgery with musculoskeletal conditions including post-operative, geriatric, cardiac, and healthy populations. It is also beneficial for older adults who are attempting to improve strength, endurance, and independence while minimizing the risk associated with high-load interventions. (Intermediate Level)

Dates and Locations