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Comprehensive Cancer Rehabilitation: The Hands-on Guide to Maximizing Functional Outcomes and Life Satisfaction


Format(s):   Live Seminars
Discipline(s):   Physical Therapy / Occupational Therapy
Contact Hours:   0
Registration Fee:   $209.99.00

  • •Describe how surgical procedures and treatments for cancer relate to rehab protocols, both physically and psychosocially

  • •Evaluate chemotherapy agents and their side effects, including chemo-induced neuropathy, fatigue, and myelosuppression, and learn how to set goals, utilize assessments, and apply treatments

  • •Demonstrate treatment protocols, including exercise based on ACSM guidelines, soft tissue work, and other techniques to restore ROM, strength, and function

  • •Utilize functional outcome measures (FOMs), G-codes, CPT codes, and ICD-10 codes in documentation

  • •Discuss how lymphatic/lymphedema care can be applied in a patient that has lymph node removal or impairment

  • •Outline patient education techniques related to soft-tissue mobilization, exercise, chemotherapy side-effect compensation, pelvic floor dysfunction, and other needs of oncology care patients

Target Audience

Confirmation Notes



A diagnosis of stage four cancer no longer means that therapy ends and palliative care begins. As cancer treatments become more aggressive and survival rates increase, cancer is transforming from an acute disease to a chronic condition that must be managed along with the debilitating side effects of treatment.

Rehabilitation can return control to patients in a very uncontrollable situation, helping them build strength and endurance, regain independence, reduce stress, and maintain the energy they need to participate in daily activities that are important to them. In this seminar, you will explore specific strategies, interventions, and exercises you can apply during and after cancer treatment to achieve high-level functional gains, aerobic capacity, strength, and range of motion while reducing lymphedema swelling, shortness of breath, and pain. Discover effective strategies for addressing psychosocial issues, impaired cognition, and fatigue that can mask other areas of performance. Finally, learn how to safely implement oncology-specific treatment plans and realistic goal-based outcomes for this patient population. With the support of knowledgeable rehab professionals to mitigate cancer's symptoms and treatment side effects, many patients can live active lives for years to come.

Dates and Locations