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Clinical Supervision in Counseling & Therapeutic Settings: Challenges & Rewards


Format(s):   Live Seminars
Discipline(s):   Counseling / Social Work / Psychology
Contact Hours:   0
Registration Fee:   $189.99.00

  • •Describe how to manage multiple roles of clinical and administrative supervision

  • •Apply best practice guidelines for avoiding ethical mistakes in supervision

  • •Determine the model of supervision that best suits you and your practice

  • •Identify and resolve problems that arise from dual relationships

  • •Explain how to address transference and countertransference with supervisees

Target Audience

Confirmation Notes



Working together to Develop Competent and Knowledgeable Professionals

Clinical supervisors carry a great responsibility and obligation to be ethical, professional role models, yet many supervisors do not receive sufficient specific training to prepare them for their critical role. Many supervisors are promoted due to their excellent clinical skills rather than because of their training as a supervisor, thus perpetuating the mistakes of their supervisors. Supervisors are responsible, ethically and legally, for the work and development of the supervisees, as well as patient/client care. Supervision is a balancing act between the needs of both.

The clinician, regardless of level of education, credentials, field, populations served, or work experience, must develop a separate set of skills and knowledge base to become a competent and effective supervisor who can handle a myriad of ethical, clinical and supervisee situations. Dr. Patterson will help you build or enhance your supervision skills, critical judgment, and relationship building skills. She will also assist you in developing a supervision model and contracting with supervisees. Through concepts taught in this seminar, you will take away supervision tools to implement immediately and to more effectively do your job and become comfortable in your role as a clinical supervisor.

Dates and Locations