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Kinesiology Taping Redefined: Fascial Movement Taping Level 1


Format(s):   Live Seminars
Discipline(s):   Physical Therapy / Occupational Therapy / Athletic Training
Contact Hours:   0
Registration Fee:   $239.99.00

  • •Introduce the concept of a longitudinal muscle chain approach to elastic therapeutic taping (Fascial Movement Taping)

  • •Recognize the neurophysiological effects of kinesiology taping

  • •Gain the skills of functional taping and understand its role in the applications of rehabilitation, edema management, neuropathic pain, scar mobility, and posture improvement

  • •Propose a myofascial sequencing model of "taping movements, not muscles"
  • •Review the literature on kinesiology taping

Target Audience

Confirmation Notes



Discover the effects and benefits of Kinesiology Taping on pain, movement, fluid dynamics, posture, and more!

Until now, choices were limited if you wanted to learn how to use kinesiology tape. No more books or expensive classes! The first course in the series, Fascial Movement Taping 1 (FMT 1), addresses theories and applications for pain, posture, edema, scars, and nerve entrapment syndromes.

Fascial Movement Taping (FMT) is a 2–part kinesiology taping certification by industry leading experts in movement assessment and therapy. FMT 1 is based on the obvious, yet largely overlooked, concept of muscles acting as a chain and understanding human movement. Say good–bye to agonizing over muscular origins and insertions and memorizing directions of tape, and hello to a practical framework of "taping movement, not muscles."

This 8–hour course introduces the concept of movement therapy and enhancement via functional taping methods. It includes a review of the current literature supporting the theory of kinesiology taping for the purposes of rehabilitation, edema/swelling management, neuropathic pain, and postural management. The course is intended for therapists and practitioners with all levels of experience with taping.

Dates and Locations