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Finding Peace in the Sand: Using Sand Tray Play Therapy to Treat Anxiety & Trauma


Format(s):   Live Seminars
Discipline(s):   Counseling / Social Work / Psychology
Contact Hours:   0
Registration Fee:   $189.99.00

  • •Describe the research findings that support the efficacy of using sand tray play therapy with anxiety and trauma

  • •Determine what items should be available for use during the sand tray play therapy session, based on setting and presenting behaviors

  • •Discuss what individuals of all ages are communicating through their interactions with the sand trays

  • •Incorporate cognitive behavioral therapy and other proven modalities into the sand tray play therapy session

  • •Explain the benefits of sand tray play therapy for other disorders, using case studies

Target Audience

Confirmation Notes



Individuals of All Ages Can Benefit from Sand Tray Play Therapy!
Anxiety disorders affect, on average, 10–20% of people over the course of their lifetime (the statistics vary depending upon the study). The rates are higher for victims of trauma and abuse, such as veterans experiencing PTSD returning from deployment. Anxiety is also now the most common mental health diagnosis in children. Many people suffer for years often not getting help or getting the proper help.

There is no need for this suffering. Anxiety disorders are very treatable. Sand tray play therapy is an incredible tool that practitioners can use to promote the processing of experiences and healing. This seminar teaches attendees the basics of how to use sand tray work as an effective method of communication and healing. Dr. Dargon explains how to set up the sand tray and implement it into a clinical practice. Attendees also learn how to interpret the ways in which children of all ages use the sand tray, the importance of what they create, and how to interpret their interactions with us as the professionals. This seminar sharpens the attendee's skills at listening to both verbal and non–verbal cues when determining what individuals are struggling with and the causes for their presenting behaviors. Dr. Dargon gives significant attention to the uses of sand tray play therapy when working with anxiety and trauma, and she demonstrates the efficacy of this approach with not only children but also families, groups, couples, and adults.

Dates and Locations