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Athletic and Sport Issues in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation: Module 8

At Home Seminars

Format(s):   Home-study
Discipline(s):   Physical Therapy / Occupational Therapy / Athletic Training
Contact Hours:   8
Registration Fee:   $119.95.00

At the end of this course, the student will be able to: 1. Evaluate four muscles and their functions in stabilizing the trunk during weight lifting exercises. 2. Understand the role of global stabilizer muscles as they relate to weight lifting. 3. Analyze the erector spinae muscle during a squat movement. 4. Understand the torque placed on the lumbar spine during a squat as it relates to the erector spinae muscle. 5. Analyze compressive loads of the lumbar spine during squatting exercises. 6. Understand the Bodyblade as it relates to the oblique muscles during exercise. 7. Evaluate four exercises and compressive force on the lumbar spine. 8. Analyze the lumbar multifidus as it relates to quadruped exercises. 9. Analyze the gluteus maximus as it relates to a squat/lunge exercise. 10. Understand the biomechanics of the PCL and ACL during a squat. 11. Understand patellofemoral compressive loads during a squat. 12. Understand quadriceps activity throughout a lunge exercise. 13. Analyze the phases of a snatch and clean lift. 14. Understand lower extremity muscles and their role during a snatch and clean lift. 15. Analyze the knee throughout the second pull phase of the snatch and clean lift. 16. Understand the differences between men and women during the snatch and clean lift. 17. Evaluate the mechanism for a pars interarticularis injury during weight lifting. 18. Analyze four common ankle injuries. 19. Analyze the rate of injury with ankle taping. 20. Understand the restriction provided by two different types of athletic tape. 21. Evaluate two taping conditions and their relationship to hand strength. 22. Evaluate the cost effectiveness of ankle taping/bracing. 23. Evaluate the biomechanical changes associated with patella taping. 24. Understand the efficacy of Kinesio tape. 25. Understand the most effective study design. 26. Analyze the two groups necessary for a case control study. 27. Analyze prevalence and incidence as it relates to injuries in the athletic population. 28. Evaluate four types of statistical analysis of injury as it relates to athletics. 29. Evaluate the p value as it relates to athletics. 30. Analyze four types of study designs and the complexity of each. 31. Evaluate four sports and their injury rate. 32. Evaluate four sports and their likelihood for boys and girls to be injured in those sports. 33. Analyze three sports and the likelihood to injure four different body parts in those sports. 34. Analyze the rate of injury for girl’s softball pitchers and boy’s baseball pitchers. 35. Understand the relationship to high BMI as it relates to injury in American football. 36. Evaluate four sports and a girls’ likelihood of injury in practice/competition in those sports.

Target Audience

Confirmation Notes
These courses are approved for 8.0 contact hours each.
Instructional level: Intermediate
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At Home Seminars courses are available as a downloadable file or we’ll ship your order by UPS, Priority Mail or US Express Mail.
Testing: You can take your test online, fax your answer sheets, or mail your test. All tests are processed within 24 business hours regardless of how they are received. Testing online is free and you will find out immediately if you have passed or failed and can print a temporary certificate until your original arrives in the mail.


These courses are offered in cooperation with Elsevier Health and utilize the hardback textbook, “Athletic and Sport Issues in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation” by David J. Magee, PT, PhD, Robert C. Manske, PT, DPT, SCS, Med, ATC, CSCS, James E. Zachazewski, PT, DPT, SCS, ATC, and William S. Quillen, PT, PhD, SCS, FACSM.
These courses provide expert insight and clear rehabilitation guidelines to help you manage injuries and special medical needs unique to your athletic clients. Contributions from leading physical therapists, athletic trainers, physicians and orthopedic surgeons give you a comprehensive, clinically relevant understanding of common sports-related injuries and help you ensure the most effective therapeutic outcomes. These courses are essential to everyone on the sports medicine team!
Module 1: covers preparation and prevention in sports medicine including the role of the sports medicine team, pre-participation physical fitness profiling, psychosocial aspects of youth sports and nutrition counseling and athletes.
Module 2: covers preparation and prevention in sports medicine including environmental considerations for sports, use of ergogenic aids in sports and sports drug testing issues
Module 3: covers applied biomechanics of cycling, golf, jumping and tennis
Module 4: covers applied biomechanics of soccer, running, swimming and baseball pitching
Module 5: covers management of sports injury and illness including delayed-onset muscle soreness, medical conditions in sport, dermatologic considerations in athletics and protective equipment in sports
Module 6: covers management of sports injury and illness including sports related concussions, traumatic injuries to the cervical spine, maxillofacial injuries and abdominal and thoracic injuries.
Module 7: covers special populations and epidemiology including the female athlete, musculoskeletal dance medicine and science, the athlete with disabilities, and selected rehabilitation needs of the masters athlete.
Module 8: covers applied biomechanics of common weight training exercises, taping for athletics and rehabilitation and applied sports injury epidemiology
This package contains the reading and testing materials for Module 2 only.
Course Goals: This course is intended to instruct the student through self paced study on the foundations of training an athlete using the biomechanics of common weight training exercise, taping and bracing the athlete for return to play, and sports injury epidemiology.

Dates and Locations