continuing education, physical therapy, occupational therapy -

Patricia Roholt

Clinical Specialty Education

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Patricia Roholt was a leader in the field of Upper Extremity Continuing Education for Physical and Occupational therapists for over 13 years. She was the founder and president of Clinical Specialty Education (CSE), from 1992 through 2006 and is now re-entering the education field after 8 years of focused clinical practice. During previous years with CSE she wrote and produced four two-day courses on various topics concerning hand rehabilitation which is her passion. In addition to producing these courses, Ms. Roholt personally taught over 300 live seminars across the country over the course of 13 years. Starting with two of the workshops in 2014, Patricia plans to expand to teach all four of the seminars in her repertoire in 2015. Patricia also has an extensive clinical background having worked with a variety of orthopedic and plastic surgery hand specialists. Additionally, Patricia has had the opportunity to work a in a variety of clinical settings with other skilled hand therapists producing a depth of knowledge and experience upon which she can draw. For 10 years, Patricia held a position as a service representative for Joint Active Systems (JAS). Her understanding of concepts of tissue mobilization and static progressive splinting was enhanced greatly by this experience. Patricia assisted in designing and developing the JAS system for mobilizing the fingers. Ms. Roholt is a 1978 graduate of the University of Minnesota School of Physical Therapy. She received her certification in hand therapy in 1991 and maintains this certification currently. Clinical Specialty Education is an AOTA Approved Provider (#8696).