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Maximizing Mobility, Balance, Gait, and Fall Reduction Strategies to Improve Functional Outcomes in Older Adults - Live Webinar

GREAT Seminars and Books

Format(s):   Live Webinar
Discipline(s):   Physical Therapy / Occupational Therapy
Contact Hours:   20
Registration Fee:   $445

Analyze the dysfunctional posture, gait, and functional mobility that can occur with contracture, weakness, and disuse of core anatomy. Explain functional movement patterns in all anatomical planes based on patient posture, positioning, and aging. Develop comprehensive, evidence-based treatment plans to improve stability and mobility in all planes through labs. Review core-based activities based on research and current evidence to promote independence with sit/stand, transfers, ADL’s, and dynamic standing tasks. Demonstrate stability and dynamic based core treatment strategies during labs to develop an evolutionary plan of care and to promote functional outcome. Identify the major contributors to falls, the most common environments where falls occur, the importance of core stability, and the role of clinicians in fall reduction for the adult and geriatric population. Design exercises, assessments, fall reduction programs, and educational evidence-based resources appropriate for clinical application to reduce falls. Compare and Contrast the 6 Determinants of gait, how they impact the phases of gait, and how they reduce energy expenditure during gait. Master exercises, activities, and manual treatment strategies to improve each of the 6 determinants of gait in lecture and labs. Administer standardized gait and mobility assessments and which utilize the strategies learned in this course.

Target Audience
Physical Therapist, Physical Therapist Assistant, Occupational Therapist, Occupational Therapist Assistant.

Day 1 9:00am “CORE” TRENDS AND RESEARCH The impact of aging, lifestyle/bed rest & lack of core emphasis 9:45am DEFINITION(S) OF THE CORE Superior/Central/Inferior core (re-defining the core) Core disassociation and dissemination Stabilizers vs. Mobilizers (which is better) 10:30am EVIDENCE–BASED CORE/EXERCISE PRINCIPLES CRAC theory, Exercise Dosage, Motor Unit Recruitment, Reciprocal Innervation, Fiber Type 11:00am BREAK 11:15am SUPINE STABILITY Imprinting/Abdominal Ball Press (sagittal plane) (LAB PRACTICE) Trochanter Tension (frontal Plane) (LAB PRACTICE) Supine Toby Twister and Isometric Log Roll (transverse plane) 12:15pm SEATED STABILITY Dolphin (dissemination modified side plank) Seated Toby Twister Stable Reaction Ball Drop (single-multi-planer) (LAB PRACTICE) 1:00pm LUNCH (on your own) Case Study 2:00pm STANDING STABILITY Modified Standing Plank (core dissemination) Modified Codman Plank (pre-gait) Standing Toby Twister Stable Reaction Ball Drop (single multi-planer) (LAB PRACTICE) 2:45pm SUPINE MOBILITY ASIS/PSIS Press (manual single-planer joint mob) Superior Scapular Elevation (LAB PRACTICE) 3:30pm SEATED MOBILITY Quad sit-up (closed chain/WB emphasis) (LAB PRACTICE) Lateral Reach Toby Twister Mobile Reaction Ball Drop (single multi-planer) (LAB PRACTICE) 4:00pm STANDING MOBILITY Flex/Ext with Pelvic Resistance Dynamic Lateral Side Bend PNF Pattern Transport Mobile Reaction Ball Drop (single multi-planer) (LAB PRACTICE) 4:45pm BREAK 5:00pm FUNCTIONAL IMPLICATION (APPLIED PRACTICE) 5:15pm CASE STUDY, QUESTIONS & DOCUMENTATION 5:30pm DEMOGRAPHICS, STATS, AND COST The Where and Why 6:15pm COMMON FALL ASSOCIATION AND UNCOMMON TREATMENT Fall Preventatives Fear and Stiffening Strategy Soleuostretch (LAB PRACTICE) Eye Movement Behaviors Visual Stance and Glance (LAB PRACTICE) 7:00pm ADJOURN Day 2 9:00am COMMON FALL ASSOCIATION … cont. Plantar Flexion and Mobility Gastroclock (LAB PRACTICE) Visual Impairment, Medication and Mechanism, Depression and SSRI’s Hip Flexor Contraction – Male vs. Female Falling Functional Iliopsoas Lengthening and Mobility ((LAB PRACTICE) Vitamin D Deficiency (the increasing correlation) 10:30am THE CLINICIANS ROLE IN FALL PREVENTION Education: Sleep, Adaptive Equipment (training and set-up) Fall Reduction Programs: What Works (OTAGO) 11:00am BREAK 11:15am BEST PRACTICE Fall Risk Assessment/Evaluation (FRT, 4-Test, CDC Algorithm) Static vs. Dynamic PNF Chops NDT Single Leg WB ((LAB PRACTICE) 12:15pm CLIENT ACTIVE PARTICIPATION 12:30pm CASE STUDY, QUESTIONS & DOCUMENTATION 1:00pm WORKING LUNCH (on your own) Review/Discuss Standardized Gait Assessments 2:00pm WHY WE WALK THE WAY WE DO Saunders vs. Rancho Los Amigos Metabolic landscape – Curtate Cycloid – Energy Expenditure and COM 2:30pm WHERE “PHASES OF GAIT” MISS THE MARK Pedunculopontine Nucleus and Mobility Parameters for clinical examination of mobility 2:45pm 6 DETERMINANTS OF GAIT (INCLUDING CURRENT RESEARCH FOR EACH) Sit-Stand (anterior/posterior pelvic tilt) Pelvic Teeter Totter (LAB PRACTICE) Lateral Pelvic Tilt (7 degrees) Glut Med Response Activity (most effective) Seated Walking Knee Flexion at Midstance (8*) Half-stand Stabilizers (LAB PRACTICE) Knee/Ankle/Foot Interactions Insoles, Re-visit Gastroclock/Soleustretch 4:15pm BREAK 4:30pm 6 DETERMINANTS OF GAIT (Continued) Pelvic Rotation with Hip Flexion Dynamic Rotation (seated/half-stand) AAROM Hip Flexion (seated walking) (LAB PRACTICE) Reciprocal Arm Swing Seated/Standing UE Swing (with/without resistance) (LAB PRACTICE) 6:15pm STANDARDIZED EVALUATIONS/ASSESSMENTS (WHAT WORKS?) 10 Meter, FGA 6:45pm CASE STUDY, QUESTIONS & DOCUMENTATION 7:00pm ADJOURN

Despite advances in medicine, increased access to healthcare, and improved surgical strategies, quality of life for adult and geriatric populations has been reduced as quantity of life has taken priority. Regardless of clinical setting, clinicians are asked to magically improve quality of life with reduced funding, reduced time, and increased documentation demands. How can I improve quality of life and participation in meaningful activity while meeting the demands of the industry? How can I effectively evaluate and provide treatment strategies addressing stability, mobility, falls, confidence, gait, and mobility with my clients in their specific context? How do I return my practice to an emphasis on quality treatment with a focus on the client developing strategies specific to increase quality and participation in life? This innovative, evidence-based course presents the latest best practices for assessing degenerative changes due to functional decline and creating a practical treatment plan that focuses holistically on addressing all client areas. You will learn new and effective strategies designed for promoting mobility and stability to delay common age-related physical impairment. Emphasis will be placed not just on increasing strength, but the appropriate functional movement pattern while implementing simultaneous visual and psychological strategies in various environments. This course will take an evolutionary pattern to return the clinician to functional emphasis in three major areas: Re-defining the core using principles of stability and mobility. Through evidence-based approaches and labs, the attendee will master movements for stability in all functional planes learning strategies which can be modified for all functional levels. The course will also address dysfunctional posture and contracture development commonly seen with the adult and geriatric population and specific strategies to reduce and delay these patterns. Fall reduction strategies utilizing the stability and mobility patterns learned in the first section. In addition, attention will be given to external factors, medication management, depression, and psychological factors often neglected in everyday practice. The “Determinants of Gait” and how they impact function, mobility, and quality of life. This course will take a dive into the history of mobility and what is often neglected when we focus solely on physical “phases of gait”. The instructor will provide in depth analysis on the 6 determinants of gait using the latest evidence and how to address the 6 determinants increasing function and mobility beyond gait.

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