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Shoulder Dysfunction: A Practical Approach to Examination and Treatment

Rehab Education

Format(s):   Live Seminars
Discipline(s):   Physical Therapy / Occupational Therapy
Contact Hours:   12
Registration Fee:   $529.00

By the end of this course, participants will: Implement screening techniques to significantly increase examination efficiency Incorporate deficit-specific interventions to target motion dysfunction identified during examination Develop robust multi-faceted treatment programs for shoulder dysfunction that are motion-based Apply and document findings for neural mobility testing of the UE using the neural mobility grading scale (0-5/5) for biasing the brachial plexus Identify neural-based motion restriction via mobility testing and palpation Integrate NPSTM, IASTM, and taping treatments to enhance outcomes and carry-over

Target Audience
Occupational Therapists Occupational Therapy Assistants Physical Therapists Physical Therapy Assistants Certified Athletic Trainers

Confirmation Notes

This course consists of an online component and a live component. The online component is a 2-hour independent study pre-course consisting of recorded presentation of key concepts; this must be completed prior to attending the live component. The live component consists of 10 hours of live classroom presentation and lab sessions. INDEPENDENT-STUDY PRE-COURSE: These recordings must be viewed prior to attending the live, in-person portion of the course. (Values are in hourly increments) 2.0 hours Introduction Shoulder anatomy and biomechanics Concavity compression Total Arc of motion Scapular kinematics Movement dysfunction (possible sources of motion loss) Joint components Motor deficits Neural mobility deficits Screening Techniques Rotator Cuff Competency Total Arc of Motion Scapular motion Neural Mobility LIVE IN-PERSON, HANDS-ON COURSE: (All recordings must be viewed prior to start of this portion of the course) 0.5 Recap of pre-course SCREENING TECHNIQUES LAB 0.33 Active movement Screen 0.33 Rotator Cuff Competency Screen 0.33 Total Arc of Motion Screen 0.25 Scapula Screen 0.75 Neural Mobility Screen INTERVENTIONS Advanced Manual Interventions 1.75 Taping Rotator Cuff stabilization kinesiology tape Scapular stabilization non-elastic taping Brachial plexus median nerve bias Lift at pectoralis minor Lift at pronator teres Brachial plexus radial nerve bias Lift at Arcade of Frohse 1.0 NPSTM Shoulder Infraspinatus Lower Trapezius Rhomboids Serratus anterior Brachial plexus Cords Trunks Deltopectoral & coracopectoral interval 1.5 IASTM Shoulder Superficial Deep Brachial plexus Scalenes Subclavius Pectoralis minor Deltopectoral & coracopectoral interval Neural Mobility Pin/Stretch along course Scalenes Pectoralis minor Deltopectoral & coracopectoral interval Exercise-based (mostly) Interventions Concavity Compression IR/ER Sinusoidal ER Side hop Scapular Stability TB T’s and diagonals + integration of cervical stabilization Kettle Bell arm bar protractions, crosses, circles Farmer’s Carry Bell up carries, 3 position Blackburn’s Modified Blackburn’s on Stability ball Y T I & Press 0.5 Scapular Dyskinesia Scapular Clocks Brügger’s Mirror SICK Scapula open and closed chain exercises 3 m.o. press ups 0.5 Restoring Total Arc Rotation Motion (TARM) Pin/Stretch Mobilization With Movement Internal Rotation Sleeper Stretch and Genie Stretches Self-release with LAX ball 0.5 Thoracic Mobility Foam rolling ACJ / SCJ Mobs Mid-back extension mobs Upper thoracic extension mobs Bonus videos of the exercises above will be provided to attendees for post course study CEU’s: 10 direct contact hours+ 2 independent study contact hours= 12 total *Includes self-study component Appropriate lunch and study breaks will be in addition to total hours.

Working with clients that have shoulder dysfunction can be challenging. This course provides a practical evidence-informed pathway that uses special testing for the purpose of guiding treatment decisions. Included are the concepts of assessing and treating motion deficits based on scapular and glenohumeral motor control, soft tissue restrictions, neural mobility restrictions, and thoracic spine stiffness. This hybrid course includes independent study components (recorded lectures and demonstrations) which are completed prior to the on-site training, allowing the in-person sessions to be heavily lab-based. Covered motion-based interventions consist of: taping neural mobilization instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) negative pressure soft tissue mobilization (NPSTM) or cupping corrective exercises Please dress to allow access to your entire upper quarter to enhance the learning process.

Dates and Locations
Register Address:   , San Diego, California
Dates:   05-18-2024 - 05-19-2024
