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A Manual Therapy Approach to Treatment of Headaches

Great Lake Seminars

Format(s):   Live Seminars
Discipline(s):   Physical Therapy / Occupational Therapy / Athletic Training
Contact Hours:   8
Registration Fee:   $285.00

At the completion of this seminar, the participant will be able to:
Correctly differentiate 4 characteristics of musculoskeletal headaches from other causes
Identify 4 different referral patterns by vertebral level
Identify 5 different referral patterns by muscle
Demonstrate the ability to complete 6 mobilizations of the cervical spine
Demonstrate the ability to treat 5 myofascial dysfunctions in muscles most commonly causing headache
Demonstrate the ability to correct 4 mechanical dysfunctions leading to muscle and joint dysfunctions

Target Audience

Confirmation Notes

Saturday 7:30am Continental Breakfast, Pre-Test
8:00am Lecture: HA classification, cause of musculoskeletal HA, subjective data, muscle referral patterns, nerve patterns, objective measures
10:30am Lab: Myofascial release to the head and neck
12:00pm Lunch (on your own)
1:00pm Lab: Myofascial release to the head and neck
2:00pm Lab: Muscle energy technique for mobilizations of the neck
4:00pm Lab: Re-educate/exercise
4:30pm Lab: Hands-on review of each MFR and MET technique learned
5:30pm Adjourn

This one-day class focuses on taking a very common condition that is not commonly treated by therapists – headaches - and showing clinicians how to become comfortable treating it. Treatment approaches include Muscle Energy Technique (MET) to the cervical spine, myofascial release to the neck and head, posture retraining and review of other causes / treatment in a comprehensive approach. The class is evidence based and every technique is repeated multiple times throughout the class so each participant has the chance to learn them well. When you leave this class you will walk away with a comprehensive and strong foundation for treatment of the head and neck.
As with all of our manual therapy courses, this seminar will follow a progression of principles and reinforce them throughout the seminar, is at least 75% hands-on lab, and will give the clinician hands-on skills they use immediately upon their return to the clinical setting.

Dates and Locations