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Functional Strength: An Updated Approach to Exercising our Patients

Great Lake Seminars

Format(s):   Live Seminars
Discipline(s):   Physical Therapy / Occupational Therapy / Athletic Training
Contact Hours:   16
Registration Fee:   $575.00

Course Objectives At the completion of this seminar, the participant will be able to:
•Given a case study, assess functional weakness in a patient using the four pathological barriers to ideal/optimal movement.
•Perform an assessment of a dysfunctional movement pattern and specifically identify 2 primary and 1-2 secondary compensatory movements occurring due to weakness and/or pain.
•?Accurately justify the use of functional strength testing versus manual muscle testing when assessing a patient.
•Properly exhibit and/or correctly perform 4 exercises using a functional approach to muscle activity.
•Correctly state the rationale for an in-depth functional strength assessment of upper extremity, lower extremity and trunk.
•Properly execute an in-depth functional strength assessment of upper extremity, lower extremity and trunk.
•Correctly apply force couples, synergies, and muscle slings to the body to address function-specific strength deficits.
•Develop and implement a comprehensive functional exercise program, progressing from basic to advanced levels for patients.

Target Audience

Confirmation Notes

7:30am Continental breakfast, pre-test 8:00am Lecture: Introduction, functional muscle assessment, action versus function, and muscle synergies 10:00am Break 10:15am Lecture: functional synergies, appropriate use of different exercise tools 12:00pm Lunch (on your own) 1:00pm Lab: Functional Exercises for the Upper and lower extremity 3:00pm Break 3:15pm Lab: Movement assessment - Upper and lower trunk 5:00pm Review of Evidence-Based Literature for today’s topics 5:30pm Adjourn

7:30am Continental breakfast 8:00am Review Session 8:30am Lab: Functional Exercises of the upper extremities 10:00am Break 10:15am Lab: Functional Exercises for the lower extremities 12:00pm Lunch (on your own) 1:00pm Lab: Functional Exercises of the upper trunk 3:00pm Break 3:15pm Lab: Functional Exercises of the lower trunk 4:30pm Review of Evidence-Based Literature for today’s topics 5:00pm Adjourn

This class will give you the ability to advance your understanding of therapeutic exercise and your ability to create basic to advanced functional exercise programs. You will learn to assess functional weakness and differentiate this from weakness found in manual muscle testing. Finally, apply concepts learned in class to build a program that is customized to your patient.
This course will progress from basic fundamentals to advanced, high-level athletic plyometric training. As with all Great Lakes courses, it will be 75-80% hands-on but attendees aren't required to perform all of the exercises shown in the class. This course has been approved by the NSCA (National Strength and Conditioning Association) for 1.6 CEUs (16 hours). Our provider number: L1183.

Dates and Locations