continuing education, physical therapy, occupational therapy -

Sharie Woelke

Education Resources, Inc.

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Shari Woelke is an occupational therapist and sole proprietor of Woelke Occupational Therapy (WOT) based in Ottawa, Ontario Canada. Since graduating in 2001, her practice experience has spanned inpatient, community and clinic settings with a career-long emphasis on neurological disorders. Shari's current practice primarily targets brain injury, post-traumatic stress disorder (largely military), learning and emotional disorders. Woelke Occupational Therapy provides biofeedback, activation, mental health and cognitive rehabilitation support, with heavy emphasis on current neurophysiological research and its application to rehabilitation. Shari published the Brain Injury Rehabilitation Basics series of ebooks in 2012, in response to a need identified by other brain injury service providers. A second edition of the series will be available in October 2015. Shari is board certified in biofeedback modalities and provides mental health, brain injury and biofeedback mentoring support to other service providers. WOT is engaged in several research initiatives investigating the potential of EEG biofeedback techniques to motor recovery post brain injury and emotional regulation in military veterans post-combat.