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Comprehensive Treatment of the Knee

Great Lake Seminars

Format(s):   Live Seminars
Discipline(s):   Physical Therapy
Contact Hours:   16
Registration Fee:   $575

At the completion of this seminar, the participant will be able to:
•Correctly state 4 key anatomical structures and their application to joint mechanics, movement and dysfunction.
•State the 7 key treatment principles for joint mobilizations and 4 treatment principles for taping and orthotic therapy.
•Independently discuss 4 treatment concepts for myofascial release of the knee complex.
•State the key treatment concepts for strengthening and balance re-education as outlined in the course manual
•Demonstrate each of the myofascial release techniques, joint mobilizations, taping and orthotic therapy techniques and each of the strengthening and balance re-education exercises as shown in the course manual with proficiency and skill.

7:30am Continental Breakfast 8:00am Lecture: Introduction, Overview of Anatomy, Biomechanics, Mobilizations, Fascia, and Taping 10:00am Break 10:15am Lecture: Meniscal Movements, Length-Tension Relationship Discussion, Infrapatellar Fat Pads, Functional Analysis of the Lower Extremity 12:00pm Lunch (on your own) 1:00pm Lab: Assessment and Palpation of the Knee Complex 2:30pm Break 2:45pm Lab: Joint Mobilizations: Patella-Femoral, Tibio-Femoral, Proximal and Distal Tib-Fib, Talo-Crual, and Meniscal Mobilizations 4:30pm Review 5:00pm Review of Evidence-Based Literature for today’s topics 5:30pm Adjourn

7:30am Continental Breakfast 8:00am Review and Discussion of Pull Pain versus Pinch Pain (handout) 8:30am Lab: Speed mobilizations 9:00am Lab: Mobilizations and MET for the Pelvis 10:30am Break 10:45am Lab: MFR 11:45am Lab: Taping: Patella 12:00pm Lunch (on your own) 1:00pm Lab: Taping: Patella (cont’d) Counterforce Bracing, Fat Pad Lifting, Proximal and Distal Tib-Fib, Modified Low-Dye 3:00pm Case Studies 3:45pm Lab: Case Studies, Speed Mobilizations 4:15pm Review 4:30pm Review of Evidence-Based Literature for today’s topics 5:00pm Adjourn

This class will show you an entirely different way to treat the knee. It focuses on a manual therapy approach to treatment of knee dysfunction, including joint mobilizations, meniscal mobilizations and myofascial / soft tissue releases. Multiple taping techniques are shown for dysfunctions at the patella and the tibio-femoral joints. You will also learn how dysfunctions above and below the knee can cause symptoms at the knee joint itself. It gives a clinician tools to treat knee pain in ways they have never seen before.
As with all of our manual therapy courses, this seminar will follow a progression of principles and reinforce them throughout the 16 hours, is at least 75% hands-on lab, and will give the clinician hands-on skills they use immediately upon their return to the clinical setting

Date And Locations
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